07 julho 2008

Keep it simple

I must finish several big quilts on the next weeks. Meanwhile, making these two matching mini quilts was so relaxing for my soul and my poor arms.
Nas próximas semanas tenho vários quilts para terminar. Entretanto, foi bom para a alma e para os meus braços cansados, fazer estes dois mini-quilts a combinar.
Then a walk in the park.
E depois um passeio pelo parque.
Life is also made from small simple things.
A vida é também feita de coisas pequenas e simples (talvez na sua maioria).

30 comentários:

Vicki W disse...

They are beautiful! The colors are so serene and I love the quilting.

Katie disse...

Both are very pretty, peaceful looking quilts!

Mom disse...

BTW... we are trying to figure out what to do about your missing quilt. I appologise so much for this. I am sick over it being lost. I keep hoping it will maybe get returned to the person that sent it. In the meantime, please don;t be too mad and be patient-

Anónimo disse...

Both quilts are beautiful. I hope you had a peaceful walk in the park.

Anónimo disse...

Such soft calming colours, very pretty indeed.

Anónimo disse...

These 2 quilts are really beautiful and so well made! I love the flower in the center (Daisy??) Great Job!

mariarrosa disse...

They are so beautiful!!! I love the colors you have choosen, like always.

méri disse...

Tão bonitos, Belém!

May Kristin disse...

Beautiful little quilts! You are doing such beautiful work!

Carmen disse...

Simple things make all the difference in your life. They are very nice.

Anónimo disse...

Estão lindíssimos, a harmonia entre as cores é perfeita!

Noémia disse...

Estão lindíssimos e com uma combinação de cores muito bonita, fresca e repousante.

Holly disse...

Very pretty. I love the checkerboard treatment on the one quilt. You do such nice work.

Anónimo disse...

Lindíssimos como sempre! Essas cores combinaram tão bem :)

Rose Marie disse...

These 2 quilts are gorgeous and your photo really shows up the quilting you did on them. Also, love your swap quilt that you received.

hortenzita disse...

Really well done! I like how those are quilted.

eugenia disse...

me gusta mucho como te ha quedado y la combinación de telas y colores es perfecta.

APO (Bem-Trapilho) disse...


Berglind disse...

Hi Belém, your miniquilts are beautiful and your quilting is stunning!

Joana disse...

Maravilhosos! És a minha guru dos quilts :)

Unknown disse...

Beautiful as always, you are such a great quilter.

Tereclopes disse...

O que se pode dizer mais? lindíssimos abençoadas mãos...

Beth disse...

Pequenos, simples e lindos!!!!!

Nettie disse...

Oh, they're gorgeous, so full of summer. Such beautiful, thoughtful quilting, too. And I know what you mean about the satisfaction of finishing off small projects in between humongous ones.

Fulvia disse...

All your work is very beautiful and thoughtful. Thank you for this blog.

Mavi. disse...

Me encantan, los colores, el acolchado, TODO MAGNIFICO.
Eres una ARTISTA....

Anónimo disse...

Que cores tão harmoniosas e suaves.
Estão lindos.


The Naturalist's Daughter disse...

Lovely. Beautiful peaceful colours, the quilting is gorgeous.

Andrea disse...

Hermosos, simples, y tan cálidos......!!!!!!, felicitaciones!!!!!! Cariños, Andrea

Cenoura disse...

Lindissimos! Estou completamente encantada com estes squares!