21 junho 2008


I heard on the news that we will have a hot summer this year and this first day was according to that. Saturday is the day I usually shop on the local market and the flowers were incredibly cheap because they fade quickly with the hot weather. Two big bunches of carnations came with me and right now they are coloring several corners of my home.
Ouvi nas notícias que vamos ter um verão quente e hoje já tivemos uma amostra. É ao sábado que faço as minhas compras no mercado e hoje as flores estavam incrivelmente baratas por causa do calor. Trouxe dois braçados de cravos, refresquei-os e andam a colorir os cantos à casa.
Ice cream taken after lunch in a shadowed room and a fresh lemonade on the end of the afternoon. Little pleasures of the summer season. Have a great summer to all of you!
Gelado depois de almoço saboreado na penumbra da sala e uma limonada fresquinha no fim da tarde. Pequenos prazeres da estação! Para todos um Verão do melhor.

13 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Ice cream and lemonade would really hit the spot on a hot day. It has felt like summer for about a month here in Texas. We've been making a pitcher of iced tea everyday to stay cool.
Happy summer to you also.

laurapatch disse...

Aquí también hace mucho calor y ha llegado de golpe, después de semanas de lluvia y fresquito. Voy a preparar una jarra de té frio...

Vera disse...

uhmmmm limonada !
aqui só há limas, os limões são importados e muito, muito caros ...

isabel disse...

Que excelente cardápio!

mariarrosa disse...

Suena de maravilla!!! Feliz verano!

Beth disse...

Aqui começamos o inverno, que pelo jeito não vai ser muito frio não...Adoro o frio, mas por aqui ele só dura alguns dias....

Unknown disse...

The same to you, I hope you will enjoy it.

RID disse...

Precioso blog, unos trabajos exquisitos, me ha gustado mucho.
Te segui´r visitando! Un saludo y feliz verano!

Berglind disse...

Oh Belém... you shouldnt show this to a pregnant lady :) - I rushed to my frigde to grab some icecream!! We also have had lovely and sunny weahter last 7 days... it's sooo nice. I wish you all a lovely summer!

Holly disse...

We are still having cooler temperatures here in Oregon. I love summertime. Happy Summer to you!

Beertje Zonn disse...

Ice cream is so Yummy!
Kind regards,

Sonnja & Beertje Zonn
From the Netherlands

Teodo disse...

Here too is very hot.......and I too love ice cream and lemonade.

Wonderful the lavander sachets.
ciao ciao

The Naturalist's Daughter disse...

The flowers look lovely. We are in the middle of winter now, and its been freezing. So nice to see flowers and ice cream. Hope you have a wonderful Summer.