After a long rainy spring we finally had a lovely weekend. It was time to go out, to breathe fresh air and look at the sea.
Depois da nossa primavera invernosa tivemos este maravilhoso fim de semana. Para sair, respirar ar puro e ver o mar.
In the mean time a quick visit to my sister in law and a soft gift to her. Two quilted cushions for her sofa. From a quilter, what else could it be?E no meio, uma rápida visita à cunhada que acompanhei de uma prenda confortável. Duas almofadas para o sofá. Vindo de mim que mais poderia ser?

17 comentários:
love how those fabrics look like almost mirror images of each other in the cushions. :-)
Mas que cunhada tão felizarda!!! Estão lindas, as almofadas, e os dias também ;)
beautiful gifts, is it a repro or a Portuguese fabric?(in the stars)
¡Qué día tan bonito! Y los cojines preciosos.
Glad you had some beautiful spring weather to enjoy. The cushions are lovely.
Qué paz que da ver el mar.
Muy elegantes los cojines con la estrella de ocho puntas.
que saudades desse mar com carneirinhos ...
e que bonitas estrelas nas almofadas !
Que foto linda! Os diferentes tons de azul são inspiradores!
Que grande sorte da tua cunhada ganhar almofadas tão lindas!
Céu azul...
Freemotion quilting...
a perfect weekend: sun and the beach :)
The cushions ara very beautiful with these fabrics.
I hope you will come back to your home relaxed after this time in the beach :)
Both the sea and the pillows are GORGEOUS.
The cushions are beautiful!
Kind regards,
Sonnja & Beertje Zonn
From the Netherlands
I love that leMoyne Star and those fabrics (French?). Am thinking of making a star like that for our next round. Your quilting is so inspiring, too. Makes me long for when i can afford a Bernina, although i know it will take me a long time to develop anything like your skill at it.
The sea and summer, sounds and looks wonderful. The cushions look fantastic. A lovely gift.
Me gusta mucho la combinacion que has hecho.Felicidades
Love those cushions and I like how you made them with batting and quilted them. They will stand up so much better over time. Your star fabric is yummy.
I am glad that you had nice weather for a change. I am sure your SIL loved the cushions.
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