Entre várias esperas e viagens de comboio, o crochet.
It’s always good to go back to Porto. Always restful, always new.
I made some crochet while I was waiting for the train and during the journeys.
I made some crochet while I was waiting for the train and during the journeys.

Some trials until I have found something that pleased me (I expect it).
First, Irich crochet. I imagined a light, colourful spring looking blanket. When I finished the first motif I realize this was not the project I wanted. It didn’t seem very practical for travel making and maybe to light for a blanket.

In a second trial I tried a striped sample. Better but not enough.
In a second trial I tried a striped sample. Better but not enough.

Terceira tentativa. Malha baixa, tão simples quanto isto. Gostei do efeito mas precisava de algum movimento.
Third trial. Rows with single crochet stitches. As simple as that. I liked the look but some movement was missing.

The final choice. Squares made diagonally with rows of single stitches. Yes! And they look somehow like a strip quilt patch.
The final choice. Squares made diagonally with rows of single stitches. Yes! And they look somehow like a strip quilt patch.

8 comentários:
patchwork em crochet !que pena aqui estar tanto calor para me lançar também nessas aventuras ...
Que muestras mas bonitas y originales. Me encantan!!!
Belém pues puede quedar muy chulo un quilt con esa tercera muestra, ánimo!!!
Encantada de volver a leerte
ooo, I like these, especially the last one, with the wide pink border. Your color choices are so wonderful.
Las últimas muestras pueden quedar muy bien cuando las unas. Me temo que llevamos el patchwork tan metido en la cabeza que hasta haciendo ganchillo sale, jajajajaja
Hay Belém tú nunca estas quieta.
Son preciosas!!!
Pois a foto do Porto é genial!!!
Os lavores estão bonitos, mas a foto... enche-me as medidas.
Como disse a Ana "tu nunca está quieta" - ocupações...
Wow, like the last samples. It will made a lovely throw.
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