Vi esta citação no blog da Nettie e concordo inteiramente com ela. Alguns dias atrás, uma senhora que dava os primeiros passos no patchwork, estava um pouco decepcionada com os resultados do seu primeiro trabalho. Pedi-lhe para se afastar e olhar de novo. A mesma coisa vista a uma maior distância agradou-lhe bastante mais.
Um quilt é mais do que técnica. É o jogo de cores, brincar com os padrões, combinar formas de maneiras diferentes. Claro que alguma técnica é necessária mas isso consegue-se com o tempo. E então poderemos olhar os nossos quilts muito mais perto.
Na minha primeira tentativa para fazer um flying geese (vôo dos gansos) tive alguns bons resultados-
"It will never be seen from a galloping horse." (about sewing mistakes)
I saw this quote in Nettie's blog and I agree entirely with that. Some days ago, a lady who was taking her first steps into patchwork and quilting, was sad about her work. I told her to go a little farther back and to look again. She saw something different and was happier.
A quilt is much more than technic. It’s a game of colors, it’s playing with patterns, it’s combining shapes in different ways. Of course some technical skills are important but with time we’ll get it. Than we can we see our quilts much close. In my first attempt to make a flying geese I had some good results
I saw this quote in Nettie's blog and I agree entirely with that. Some days ago, a lady who was taking her first steps into patchwork and quilting, was sad about her work. I told her to go a little farther back and to look again. She saw something different and was happier.
A quilt is much more than technic. It’s a game of colors, it’s playing with patterns, it’s combining shapes in different ways. Of course some technical skills are important but with time we’ll get it. Than we can we see our quilts much close. In my first attempt to make a flying geese I had some good results

And some really bad results

Acabei por pôr de lado este trabalho. Dois dias atrás, quando procurava alguma coisa para treinar o quilting à máquina encontrei este projecto inacabado. Lembrei-me das minhas palavras e acabei-o. Perfeccionismo é mesmo um dos nossos piores inimigos.
I put this patchwork away. Two days ago I was looking for something to train machine quilting and I found my little flying geese patchwork. I remembered what I have told to the lady and I finished it.
Perfectionism is really one of our worst enemies.
Perfectionism is really one of our worst enemies.

13 comentários:
Não sei de qual dos "gansos" gostei mais. Mas o trabalho acabado está excelente (como de costume) e parece mesmo uma formação de gansos. Faz-me lembrar aquele filme em que os gansos seguiam em formação atrás de um aparelho voador para chegarem a casa.
El perfeccionismo y la autoexigencia...qué razón tienes!!!!!
Y que bien te quedó ese vuelo de la oca!!
Belem, we were just talking about this at our guild meeting on Thursday night. We also have the galloping horse rule! But we also talked about the charm of old quilts and how their points seldom matched exactly.
I'm glad you took out the flying geese quilt and finished it. It is beautiful and charming, and it deserves to be finished.
Como siempre, me encanta todo lo que haces y lo perfecto que coses!!!
Belem, I'm glad you liked the quote. I've been thinking a lot of my grandmother lately, as i've ploughed ahead on my latest project. When i'm tempted to dither too long about a color choice or to rip something out that's almost perfect but not quite, I tell myself: "It's good enough!" and that more important than making it perfect is finishing it! At least that's how i've come to feel about it.
P.S. Love your baby geese(?) picture and the flying geese is sweet.
That is so true. From the "Dear Jane" quilters -- "Finished is better than perfect"
Te ha quedado muy bonito, eres muy exigente con tus labores.
Totalmente de acuerdo contigo. Si fuera perfecto no sería artesanía, no? El quilt ha quedado muy bonito:)
I think a thing is better and more personal if it has some mistakes.
ciao ciao
Definitely: the best thing is an enemy of the good one!!!
We should have valued the things, even the short ones, because it can happen that the great ones never appear ... and in that case, the wait would have been a waste...
The photo is a sweet yellow parade...
Me gustan tus gansos voladores.
Vaya! qué máquina te has comprado, que la disfrutes.
Lindo, lindo este flying geese!
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