I love teapots and I have a few. Some were bought through the years and others were gentle gifts from friends, knowing my teapot addition. Teapots were the inspiration for this wall hanging project starting this week.

The first sketch of the series, is an old ceramic teapot from “Fábrica de Louças de Sacavém” an extint portuguese factory.

Vou misturar redwork com patchwork e quilting e espero conseguir um resultado pouco convencional. Os materiais a serem usados são o linho cru e o perlé, para o redwork. Os tecidos para o patchwork ainda não foram escolhidos.
I will mix redwork with patchwork and quilting hoping to get an original result.
For the redwork I will use raw linen and perle cotton thread. Fabrics for the patchwork are not chosen yet.
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