A chita de Alcobaça era antigamente usada apenas pela mulheres mais pobres. Como era um tecido modesto as cores eram vivas e os padrões alegres. Os temas mais comuns eram os pássaros, as frutas e os frutos exóticos e as cornucópias. Hoje só se encontram restos destes tecidos em algumas lojas mais antigas. Foi o caso destes quatro retalhos, comprados em Sintra, numa loja junto à estação.
"Chita de Alcobaça" is a portuguese fabric. In the past it was used by poor women to make their blouses and dresses. Bright colours and joyfull patterns were used to emblish "chita" as it was a very modest fabric . The most commom patterns were birds, exotic flowers, exotic fruits and cornucopias. Today "chitas" can only be found in old shops as these four I found in Sintra.
6 comentários:
What beautiful and dynamic designs.
Son telas muy alegres. Me gusta. Gracias por visitar mi blog. Puedes escribirme tanto en inglés como en portugués, ya que se entiende bien con los dos. Yo sólo se escribir en español.
Preciosas!!! Qué es Alcobaça??
Xina, thank you for your comment. Alcobaça is a small portuguese town were "chita" fabric was mainly produced.
Hi Belem :-D
If you send me an e-mail: anita.tellefsen@c2i.net - I will tell you more about my BOM (Block of the Month) :-)))
Such beautiful prints! How fortunate you were to find them. The Paisley is very popular again in US prints the last year of so. I love the one with the flowers. I guess it's true what my mother told me, "Old things become new again." Now if only that worked on people! =)
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