Hoje, a minha primeira linha da agenda: UFOs
Desenterrar alguns UFOs e dar-lhes um destino parece-me uma boa maneira de começar a época. A Judy fez-nos um desafio mostrando ela própria os seus UFOs. Os meus são menos (felizmente) mas pesam se não forem acabados.
The end of holidays was always a time of great expectations and very productive. Much more than the beginning of a new year. After holidays I am rested, with new ideas which don’t happen after Christmas. To plan, without pressure, my "crafty agenda" is essential in order to achieve the goals I pretend.
Today, the first row of my agenda: UFOs
To dig out the UFOs and give them a destiny could be one of the best things to start a new season. Judy made us a challenge showing her UFOs and asking us for doing the same. I have much less UFOs than she has but they weight tons on my mind if they stay in that status.
Quero acabar pelo menos o log cabin e o nine patch até fins de Setembro e o quilt dos bules (fotografia em baixo) durante Outubro. Depois verei os prazos impôr-me para acabar os trabalhos em bordado (fotografia 1 e 2).
I want to finish at least the log cabin and the nine patch quilt till the end of September and the teapot wall hanging in October (third photo). After that I will see the timings to finish the flower and the Hardanger embroidery (photos 1 & 2).
O tempo começa a contar agora!
The time is counting down right now!

The time is counting down right now!
8 comentários:
You can do it! You can finish several by the end of September. I'm right here working on my UFO's too!
Those are great goals. Is the embroidery in the first picture by hand or machine? It is beautiful! You do nice work.
All of these are interesting and they give you a nice variety to work on. Just remember, you can finish what you set out to do!
There must be many of us that have that desire to finish up UFO's. I've been working on that throughout August. You have some great projects to finish. You'll feel so satisfied when you finish them. Good luck!
Beautiful work you made.
Kind Regards,
Muy bonito, me gusta mucho. Rakel.
I love the teapot wall hanging. That would be so wonderful to see it finished :)))
Very good is beautiful...
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