Nota prévia: Obrigada a todos pelos comentários simpáticos e pelas sugestões para gastar a minha farinha. Obrigada Isabel pelas receitas.
Previous note: thank you all for the nice comments and good sugestions how to use my flour. Thanks Isabel for the recipes.

I woke up this morning, and took a cup of coffee as usual. The light was breaking and I took the first shot.

Then, my morning routines before work. I had a class at 9:30 but I took another photo just before I left home.

Immediately after my return I took the third photo.

Quando comecei o meu blog em Janeiro umdos maiores problemas com que tive de lidar foi com a falta de luz. Em fotografia sou uma amadora e o meu método é tentativa erro. Mas a luz é um grande desafio ainda não ultrapassado. Agora que os dias encurtam tenho pensado no problema e de como o resolver. Daí esta sucessão monótona da mesma imagem. Dentro em pouco regressrei de noite e como não me parece haver diferenca significativa na qualidade da segunda e da terceira fotografia acho que há uma forte possibilidade de começar a tirá-las pela manhã. Mas hoje ainda tive tempo de visitar o four seasons swap e bisbolhetar os o blog roll (entre R e Z).Vejam os quilts lindos da Rose Marie, Wendy, Zita e Shiella. Não são uma maravilha?
And this one, after supper, with artificial light.
I started my blog in January and one of my biggest problems was to deal with the lake of light. Concerning photography I am an amateur and my method is trial/error. But light is really a big challenge for me. Now that days are coming shorter I have been thinking about how could solve this matter because in a few weeks it will be night at six pm. I don’t think there is a great difference between the quality of the second and the third photos and now I have the possibility to take them just before going to work.
Today I went to the four season swap blog and visited some blogs of the blog roll. I was amazed. Look at Rose Marie’s, Wendy’s, Zita’s and Shiela’s quilts. Aren’t they lovely? I only visited the bottom of list from R to Z. I left the top for the next time.
I started my blog in January and one of my biggest problems was to deal with the lake of light. Concerning photography I am an amateur and my method is trial/error. But light is really a big challenge for me. Now that days are coming shorter I have been thinking about how could solve this matter because in a few weeks it will be night at six pm. I don’t think there is a great difference between the quality of the second and the third photos and now I have the possibility to take them just before going to work.
Today I went to the four season swap blog and visited some blogs of the blog roll. I was amazed. Look at Rose Marie’s, Wendy’s, Zita’s and Shiela’s quilts. Aren’t they lovely? I only visited the bottom of list from R to Z. I left the top for the next time.
9 comentários:
Temos o mesmo problema com as fotografias, só que eu nem pela manhã as posso tirar, porque tenho que "arrancar" as minhas pestes de casa e à noite só a esta hora é que as acalmo. Tenho mesmo é que investir m boas fotografias "by night"!.
De qualquer modo, e a qualquer hora do dia, os objectos que fotografas continuam perfeitos!
Oi Belem
Estou me apresentando a voce agora. Me chamo Renata. Tenho visitado o seu blog e gosto muito de seus trabalhos e a maneira que voce os apresenta. Sou nova na "blogosfera", e te convido a visitar o meu blog.
What a great demonstration in pictures. The colour on the last picture is very nice although I'm assuming the most inaccurate. I have trouble taking good pictures outside on a sunny day.
I alway seem to take a bunch of pictures for my blog as well. Then I chose the one I like the best. It is amazing what the different light can do - even with a flash.
I have seen some of the 4 Season swap quilts - they are all so lovely!!
Thank you for your compliment. What a pity that you haven't left a comment on my blog signing your visit.
Funny, i was thinking you must have had training in photography, since your photos are always so lovely. You must just have a very good "eye."
Obrigado pelo votos e por me inspirar a trabalhar... beijos
Um prazer conhecer teus trabalhos. Moro no Brazil e é muito bom ver o que se faz no mundo todo do Patchwork!
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