E este (mau?) hábito é comum às gentes cá de casa. Por isso tenho por todo o lado bases para as canecas, em geral feitos de improviso e conforme a inspiração.
De vez em quando têm de ser substituidos, porque ficam realmente impróprios, e afinal custam tão pouco a fazer.
De vez em quando têm de ser substituidos, porque ficam realmente impróprios, e afinal custam tão pouco a fazer.
Most of the time I carry a coffee mug around the house and I put it on the first flat surface I found. It could be the computer desk, the work desk on my sewing room, my sewing machine table. This (inappropriate?) behavior is shared by my family. Using coasters has proved to be a good way to protect my furniture. From time to time I have to make new ones to replace stained or old coasters.

This time I picked up some orphan blocks from my GMFG that for some reason doesn’t fit the project. Some blocks don’t have the right colors or I have too much of the kind.
For each coaster I chose two matching blocks.
For each coaster I chose two matching blocks.

I draw on the batting (thick flannel) the shape using the block as a pattern

I cut the batting inside the drawing line. It is important to cut it a little bit smaller so it can’t be seen on the edges. I made a sandwich with the two blocks and the batting and basted it with pins.

I put a fabric loop on several places of the block.
I made a machine blanket stich around the cental hexagon and around all the block.
E os resultados. O primeiro não resultou como eu queria, o segundo gosto mais e gosto muito do terceiro (clique na fotografia para ver maior).
And the results. The first one didn’t result as I wish. The second is better and I like the third very much (click on the picture to see it larger).

And the results. The first one didn’t result as I wish. The second is better and I like the third very much (click on the picture to see it larger).
22 comentários:
Very clever. I like this idea. I have the same habit as you only I forget where I put it down and end up with two or three cups of coffee lying around.
Merecemos no nosso dia a dia estarmos rodeados de coisas lindas mesmo quando são para por a caneca do café em cima.E estas bases são realmente muito lindas.
obrigada pelo tutorial destas lindas bases! adorei.
Very clever idea - I love them!
The fabric loops are a special touch. Your coasters are beautiful and useful.
Me gosto muito fo terceiro
muito linda
What a nice idea! Thanks for the very clear directions.
We must be "kin"--I do the very same thing, and often have to go back, room by room looking for it too! LOL I LOVE your GFG coasters. They are just lovely! Thank you so much for providing the tutorial for them. I'm going to make me some too!! :D
Quilty hugs, dear friend,
Es una idea muy original en la que podrás probar muchas variaciones y además aprovechar los hexágonos. Estoy de acuerdo en que la tercera es la más bonita.
Parabéns pelos apoios de canecas,estão muito lindos! Nunca tentei fazwer algo com EPP, mas parece bem versátil. Um abraço!
Que flores lindas!!!!
gosto do "feitio" da terceira mas com o tecido da segunda. agora entendo porque me mandou guardar todas as sobras
Muy bonito y muy bien explicado.
Sempre um bom pretexto para fazer um patchwork ... perfeito !
Very nice and good idea.
thanks for tutorial.
ciao ciao
Great coasters! I know about the misplaced coffee mugs!
Eu gosto de todos, estão muito bonitos
Qué buena idea!!! Estoy de acuerdo contigo, la combinación de telas del tercero es preciosa, pero el azul también me gusta mucho.
I like this coaster idea very much. How clever of you! The blanket stitch is a nice touch.
Thanks for your suggestion for my log cabin blocks. Next time I will do as you suggested and cut the outside logs larger so that they can be trimmed down to the right size instead of making them to size and then becoming smaller yet due to bulky seams. That's a good idea.
Very good work!!! Your hands like an angel!!! Congratulations.
Very nice coasers and I agree - the third one is the best.
Lindos!!! Parabéns!
Bjos, Luciana.
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