Agora vem a parte mais aborrecida. Fazer centenas e centenas de hexágonos do mesmo tecido que serão o fundo do quilt. Por isso, antes de me meter nesta empreitada, vou aqui mostrar algumas experiências.
Flower after flower this garden has been blooming. This is a portable project and I carry it wherever I go. I made it in trains, in waiting rooms, on café terraces.
Now I have to make the tedious part. Hundreds of hexagons, made all with the same fabric, the background of my quilt. So, before I climb this mountain of work I will show my experiments.
Negro Impressivo?

Orange juice?
Cool green?

Strong red?
E agora vou tomar uma decisão.

It’s time to make a decision.
26 comentários:
They are all soooo beautiful!!! I like the green - but much more I like the red variation!! It's so powerful!!! You have been very busy! Great job :o)
You have really been busy! I like the black because it is so unusual in a flower garden quilt, and it really stands out, or the orange or red.
Me gustan el verde y el rojo. El nego es muy serio y el marfil excesivamente suave. El naranja se ve demasiado. Ahora que sobre gustos no hay nada escrito.
I have used black as background for some diamond stars I have been making. It makes the colours so bright. But if I should choose background now for my project I would have chosen different light fabrics. Why not use different white. I am sure you have a lot of white fabrics. And then you do not have to make all the hexagons in the same fabric :)
Voto por el rojo o el negro.
I like the red the most - and next, the green :-)
Cool green rocks!
o meu preferido é o fundo laranja! Mas acho que também fica bem nas outras cores :)
fiz um workshop de patchwork há algum tempo e aprendi a fazer estes hexágonos à mão (com a técnica english paper piecing). Também fazes assim?
That is hard to choose! How about something so totally different ... what about using all these colours but in variations of starting in the middle with the white and ending with the black on the outside?
que lindas suas flores ;) Gostei do fundo marfim, do verde e do vermelho!
A mí me gustan el negro y el verde destacan mucho los exágonos
Qué difícil!!! todos me gustan. Te vas a volver loca porque cada una te dice algo distinto. A mí me gustan el negro (pero es que a mí me gusta mucho trabajar con negro)y el rojo, aunque el verde no está mal... Seguro que harás una buena elección :))
Realmente uma escolha dificíl. Mas sendo eu uma "alfacinha" tenho que escolher o verde. Bom trabalho!
I like the green or red best. What an impressive garden you have there!
Gosto de todas as cores dos campos do jardim!
Ainda bem que não sou eu a escolher... não conseguia!
The relaxing choice: flowers on the grass - Geen, undoubtedly (or almost...)
Hi Belem :-D
I like the orange and the red colours best. The black is also nice.
So many choices. What did you decide? I think I like the red or green best but any of those would look wonderful.
Red for me, or maybe black. I too am sewing hexagons.
You are getting lots of opinions! For some reason I was really drawn to the green. I think the red would be my second choice. I think you will get as many opinions as bloggers :))
Lindos, gostei imenso de todos!!!
Nem sei qual o mais bonito!!
I like the green!
ciao ciao
Hay tantos gustos como colores, y tu vas a escoger el que mas te guste a ti o el que más te vaya con el lugar donde vaya el quilt, a mi el que me gusta és el negro!
Quando pensava no "meu"
jardim da vovó achava que seria em preto. Agora olhando o seu e vendo os muitos hexas em preto que teria que fazer, mudei de idéia...Escolheria o verde...
beijos carinhosos e boa escolha!!!!
li de liége
mi piace il nero e il verde
Love the orange background.
Makes a varm quilt.Un9
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