I thank you all for the comments on this post. As Pam said I got as many opinions as bloggers and it didn’t turn my life easy. At the beginning I already had an idea of what I would like to do.

My choice was the less preferred by you, but even so it still made sense to me. I decided for a white background. From lots of flower garden I have seen most have soft backgrounds and I think it stands out the colors beautifully.
My choice was the less preferred by you, but even so it still made sense to me. I decided for a white background. From lots of flower garden I have seen most have soft backgrounds and I think it stands out the colors beautifully.

Mas não consegui ficar por aqui, seria muito redutor e pouco arrojado. Como tenho muitas flores já feitas resolvi fazer um outro patchwork de cores mais efusivas. De todas as cores propostas o verde foi sem dúvida o que recolheu um maior consenso e também é uma cor que me agrada muito. Por outro lado talvez não seja a côr que combine om a maioria das cores que já tenho. Mais uma voltinha no assunto e pus-lhe o preto de permeio entre a flr e verde.
But I didn’t stop here. So many possibilities that I should choose something more bright too. I have begun a second patchwork.
From all the colors proposed green was the one that collected more good opinions and it is a color I love. On the other hand green doesn’t enhance most of the colors of the flowers I have. Another twist on the subject and I put another row of black hexagons between the flower and the green.

16 comentários:
A veces, las opiniones contrarias nos ayudan a autoconvencernos de que la nuestra es la buena. A mi me pasa contínuamente (siempre he sido la rebelde de la familia). Con el fondo blanco los colores vivos destacan mucho y la flor queda más ..."limpia".
I think the white looks beautiful! I'm glad to have found your blog!
The GFG is looking really nice. Although I like the white, I think the black and green setting is very striking. Let us see how this turns out!
I really like the white background. Beautiful work. Can't wait to see the finished product.
me too. That last print in the bottom pic is so perfect for the hexagons, it looks as if you hand-painted it?
like hedgehog, i'm very happy to have found your blog!
Has hecho la mejor elección: la que a tí te gusta!!!!!!
Te hubiera quedado igual de bien cogieras el color que cogieras pero la elección es muy acertada, te está quedando precioso!
Good for you to do it your way! The white looks great!
Also, like your new quilt with the black and green. That will be stunning.
Me encanta, no solo por los colores que has escogido (los que tu quieres) si no por lo perfecto que coses!!!
Oh - the colours do stand out nicely with the white. It will be pretty. I really like the black and green as well :)) Maybe you should make one in every colour!!
i like how the white sort of looks like tiles. it's so crisp looking.
The white background is lovely..
ciao ciao
I love your grandmothers flower garden, the colors are beautiful, especially the black and the green! The white is lovely, too!
Olá, vim aqui espreitar e descobri que o que fazes é uma perfeita loucura.
Uma loucura saudavel e linda. Nunca experimentei este tipo de trabalho, e não sei se seria capaz de ir até ao fim.
Bom trabalho.
Both your GFG's are going to be stunning! The white is very pretty.
Quando iniciei a fazer Patchwork, me apaixonei pelo Log Cabin. Depois foi a vez do Foudation e atualmente o trabalho com hexagonos é algo de muito gratificante, divertido e anti stress... fiz uma colcha e uso diáriamente,... suas peças são maravilhosas, as minhas estão longe de tal requinte. Com isso quero dizer apenas que visitei seu blog, adorei e vou coloca-la em minha lista de favoritos. Grande abraço, felicidades, tudinho de bom a você.
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