Sometimes, a little tiny thing is enough to stop a project. When I began the bandanas quilt I made systematic progresses and I finished the hand quilting quickly. Then, nothing. I had no idea about the binding. It seems to be a small issue but I wanted to make a good choice.

I had no more bandanas fabrics because I only had the samples I had used on the top. The sashing fabric was too monotonous to repeat it, with the binding again.
I tried an orange and then a black fabric but both were rejected. I tried to look wisely and it seemed to me that a purple would play well with pinks, blues and other shades of purple of the bandanas. And this was the last trial.

24 comentários:
The purple is perfect. Good choice.
Te quedó divino! y la elección final del ribete me parece ideal.
The purple looks great. I love how your bandana quilt turned out! I'm also happy to be able to read your blog in English :)
Thank you for visiting my blog. This is a great idea! Wow, a bandana quilt! The purple is very nice!
El color es fantástico, le da la vida que el sashing no tiene.
I agree. I think the purple goes well with the fabrics. What a great idea - a bandana quilt. Oh no - another one for my list - LOL
The purple really sets off the other colors in the quilt. Great idea!
The purple binding is inspired. I also like how its coolness contrasts with the warmth of the background. And I know what you mean about a binding color being no small thing.
Excellent choice - you can't go wrong with purple.
The binding adds a perfect element of color to the quilt. Beautiful!
The choice of purple was very good. I think that it was harmonious and contrasting. Congratulations!
i really like this quilt because it's theme is a collection of something, in this case, bandanas. it is also beautifully made. the purple edge is just the surprise it needs.
El ribete queda estupendo, has escogido bien, y el quilt ha quedado espectacular!!! Me gusta muchísimo. Felicidades!!!
your quilt is lovely!
El ribete hace que resalte todo el conjunto. Muy bonito. Ah, y gracias por visitar mi blog.
It's absolutley perfect.
Is it a big quilt? What a good ideas, bandannas...
Belem, te ha quedado precioso!
wonderful your bandana quilt ! Ciao
es muy comun en EEUU ver quilts con bandanas, pero normalmente las ponen entras o las unen entre sí.
Tu las has hecho una convinación exquisita para mi gusto :-)
foi uma boa escolha e ficou lindíssimo. Adoro quilts em fundo branco com quadrados de cor!! São dos meus favoritos.
É a primeira vez que vejo o teu blog. Gostei e vou voltar :)
Acertaste muy bien con el color que elegiste !! I like it , your bandana quilt is very beautiful !! Felicitaciones !! Vero
This is a great idea and what a good way to use of any bandanas that you pick up while on vacation.
I love the Bandana Quilt - it gives me Middle Terranian feelings :-D
great quilt. very pretty.
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